Greetings in the Name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, and welcome to the Friendship Bible Church BLOG, your source for announcements and information about what's happening at FBC.

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Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Turning Now To Bethlehem!

Thanksgiving is over, and we suddenly find ourselves in the midst of the Christmas season. This coming Lord's Day will be the first Sunday in Advent, and our hearts and minds turn therefore from turkeys and dressing to the Child of Bethlehem.

Preparations begin this Saturday when we will gather at 3:00 at the church for the hanging of the greens. Food and fellowship and music will all be provided. Join us and help us make the Lord's house look, smell and feel wonderful for the Christmas season.

A Thanksgiving Poem

Once again our glad thanksgivings
Rise before our Father's throne,
As we try to count the blessings
Of the year so swiftly flown;
As we trace the wondrous workings
Of His wisdom, power, and love
And unite our "Holy! Holy!"
With the seraphim above.

As we gather round our firesides
On this new Thanksgiving Day
Time would fail to count the blessings
That have followed all our way.
Grace sufficient, help and healing,
Prayers oft answered at our call;
And the best of all our blessings,
Christ Himself, our All in All.

He has blessed our favored country
With a free and bounteous hand;
Peace and plenty in our borders,
Liberty through all our land.
And although our sins and follies
Oft provoke Him to His face,
Mercy still restrains His judgements,
And prolongs our day of grace.

While we love to count the blessings,
Grateful for the year that's gone,
Faith would sweep a wider vision,
Hope would gaze yet farther on.
For the signals all around us
Seem with one accord to say,
"Christ is coming soon to bring us
Earth's last, best, Thanksgiving Day!"

by A.B. Simpson

Happy Thanksgiving

It's that wonderful time of year when we pause as a nation and give thanks to our God for all His blessings in our lives. Throughout the month of November, we've been hearing testimonies of God's goodness, and hopefully they have reminded us of some reasons to give thanks.

After all, the Bible does remind us:

In every thing give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you. (1 Thessalonians 5:18)


Giving thanks always for all things unto God and the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ... (Ephesians 5:20)

and yet again

Be careful for nothing; but in every thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God. (Philippians 4:6)

As we gather with family and friends this week, let us remember to thank our wonderful Creator Savior God for all His blessings. They are numberless, aren't they?

Remember that neither the discipleship classes nor the midweek prayer meeting will meet this week - enjoy the time with your family and friends.

Friday, November 20, 2009

We Can't Leave Out The Champion!

And here he is - the champion of the 2009 Pastor's Masters - Charlie Egli

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2009 Pastor's Masters Banquet

Well, the 2009 Pastor's Masters is in the history books now, and we recently held our awards banquet at the Acapulco Restaurant. Although everybody who participates in this annual golf tournament is a winner, and although there were several who joined us throughout the summer for one or two rounds, the champions are shown here in all their glory. Overall champion - Charlie Egli, Best Average - Mike Boyle, Best Drive - Ethan Boyle, Best Putt - Bud Egli, and Best Round - amazingly, Bill Johnson.

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Friday, November 6, 2009

Weekend Activities

We have another big weekend coming up at FBC. There's a little something for everyone:

Saturday morning is Haven of Rest service day - join us at the Haven at 10:00.

Saturday evening is the Pastor's Masters banquet at the Acapulco Restaurant in Rootstown - 6:00 for all who participated in the Pastor's Masters this year.

Sunday immediately following the worship service, the Secret Sisters will host their annual luncheon. Ladies you won't want to miss this.

And then Sunday evening, those practicing for the Christmas Cantata will meet at 6:00 for practice.


Just a reminder to those who participated in the Pastor's Masters this year - the banquet will be held at the Acapulco Restaurant on Saturday evening at 6:00. Fabulous awards and gifts to be distributed to all in attendance, as is the usual custom! Wonderful food... great fellowship... as can only happen with the Pastor's Masters.

If you participated this year, even once, you are encouraged to join us for this fun evening.