Greetings in the Name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, and welcome to the Friendship Bible Church BLOG, your source for announcements and information about what's happening at FBC.

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Friday, May 27, 2011

Building... Battling... Becoming...

We start a new series this coming Lord's Day.

Men of FBC!

O Lord, I beseech thee, let now thine ear be attentive to the prayer of thy servant, and to the prayer of thy servants, who desire to fear thy name... (Nehemiah 1:11 KJV)

We pray a lot at FBC.  But we don't pray enough.  We can't pray enough.  It's so vital that we learn to pray more and more and more.

Another opportunity is coming this Saturday morning at 8:00 for the men of FBC - Men's Prayer Breakfast.  You'll be blessed with an indescribable FBC breakfast.  You'll be blessed as one of our men shares a brief devotional from the Word of God.  And you'll be blessed as we bombard heaven with our prayers, once again.

Men of FBC - will you join us?  You'll be blessed!


Even Now!!

I read the following recently in Spurgeon's Morning and Evening devotional and thought it worth sharing.

"All that believe are justified." (Acts 13:39)

The believer in Christ receives a present justification. Faith does not produce this fruit by-and-by, but now. So far as justification is the result of faith, it is given to the soul in the moment when it closes with Christ, and accepts him as its all in all. Are they who stand before the throne of God justified now?—so are we, as truly and as clearly justified as they who walk in white and sing melodious praises to celestial harps. The thief upon the cross was justified the moment that he turned the eye of faith to Jesus; and Paul, the aged, after years of service, was not more justified than was the thief with no service at all. We are today accepted in the Beloved, today absolved from sin, today acquitted at the bar of God. Oh! soul-transporting thought! There are some clusters of Eshcol’s vine which we shall not be able to gather till we enter heaven; but this is a bough which runneth over the wall. This is not as the corn of the land, which we can never eat till we cross the Jordan; but this is part of the manna in the wilderness, a portion of our daily nutriment with which God supplies us in our journeying to and fro. We are now—even now pardoned; even now are our sins put away; even now we stand in the sight of God accepted, as though we had never been guilty. "There is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus." There is not a sin in the Book of God, even now, against one of his people. Who dareth to lay anything to their charge? There is neither speck, nor spot, nor wrinkle, nor any such thing remaining upon any one believer in the matter of justification in the sight of the Judge of all the earth. Let present privilege awaken us to present duty, and now, while life lasts, let us spend and be spent for our sweet Lord Jesus.

L.I.G.H.T. - Laser Tag

13 youth and 5 adults attended the recent Laser Tag event held by L.I.G.H.T. Here are a few pics.

Special thanks to those who volunteered their time to drive!

Monday, May 23, 2011

Two and O!

Our softball team is riding a winning streak! They won Sunday's game, taking the season record to 2-0.

Go team!

Man Up!

Don't forget the Mens Bible Study - Tuesday evenings. This week we will be at the Ross Ranch.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

It Must Be Spring In NE Ohio!

CO-ED SOFTBALL GAME IS CANCELLED (rained out) today, May 15th!

Saturday, May 14, 2011

I Don't Have Time

Vacation is a great time to catch up on my ever growing reading pile. Toward that end, I was just privileged to Read John Piper's biographical sermon on George Mueller. Convicting, to say the least. Consider this short excerpt, and, as I did, compare Mueller's use of time and productivity for God, with your own.

The accomplishments... he was known for around the world in his own lifetime, and still today, was the orphan ministry. He built five large orphan houses and cared for 10,024 orphans in his life. When he started in 1834 there were accommodations for 3,600 orphans in all of England and twice that many children under eight were in prison. One of the great effects of Mueller's ministry was to inspire others so that "fifty years after Mr. Mueller began his work, at least one hundred thousand orphans were cared for in England alone." He did all this while he was preaching three times a week from 1830 to 1898, at least 10,000 times. And when he turned 70 he fulfilled a life-long dream of missionary work for the next 17 years until he was 87. He traveled to 42 countries, preaching on average of once a day, and addressing some three million people. From the end of his travels in 1892 (when he was 87) until his death in March of 1898 he preached in his church and worked for the Scripture Knowledge Institute. At age 92, not long before he died, he wrote, "I have been able, every day and all the day to work, and that with ease, as seventy years since." He led a prayer meeting at his church on the evening of Wednesday, March 9, 1898. The next day a cup of tea was taken to him at seven in the morning but no answer came to the knock on the door. He was found dead on the floor beside his bed.

No computers... no modern technology or conveniences... and the same number of hours in a day that I have today. May God help us... help me... to be convicted by such as George Mueller.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Questions Outside The Tomb

If you missed Easter services, here is the morning message.  We welcome feedback on the quality of the audio, as well as on any issues you might experience in trying to play it.

(NOTE - These posts automatically forward to our email list, so if you received the email and the audio player is not showing, please visit the webpage.)

Vote, then Visit

It's election day for most of us, so do your duty as an American and vote today. But then, if you are of the male persuasion, join your brothers at the Johnson Ranch, where the inaugural meeting of the FBC Mens Ministries will be held.

All men are welcome! 6:30 PM.

Of Birthdays and Prayer Days

Here is a repeat of a website posting from May 3, 2007. This is a special week!

It was May 3, 1970. In just 24 hours one of this area's most well-known historical events would occur - the shootings at Kent State University. But on May 3, something happened that didn't make the news, and is unknown to all but a select few now. On that day, a twelve year old boy experienced the most important event in his personal history. That boy was me, and on May 3, 1970, I trusted Christ as my Savior. I am, spiritually, 41 years old today. And so it is a special day as I look back over the journey Christ has led me on so far - a journey that has included both ups and downs, successes and failures, victories and defeats. But one thing is certain. I am more sure today of His love for me than I have ever been. He promised, "I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee." (Hebrews 13:5) I can testify after 41 years of walking with Him, that He never has, and He never will.

This week is also special for another reason - Thursday is the National Day of Prayer. Will you join with us this day in praying for our nation? Our community? Our church? Our brothers and sisters in Christ? Those around us who have never yet met this Man who loves them so?

Pray. He will answer. "If ye shall ask any thing in my name, I will do it." (John 14:14)

Our regular Wednesday prayer meeting is cancelled this week, and the church will be open for prayer on Thursday. Come any time between 5-9 PM to pray.