"God is good... All the time... Even with the lumps and the bumps." (Evander Holyfield, when interviewed following the "ear biting" fight with Mike Tyson)Amen.
As we discussed last night during prayer meeting: even in sadness, the goodness of our loving God shines through. We prayed for many of our number who are experiencing sadness right now. It was a sweet and blessed prayer meeting.
The day prior, a few of the men gathered at the Ross Ranch for Men's Bible Study - perhaps the best one yet. Good fellowship, thoughtful discussion... Good stuff! (And although I didn't attend, I'm certain the Ladies Bible Study on Monday was equally blessed.)
So, we cannot help but praise Him! He is good.
Hey! But He is not done! The week is far from over, and there are at least two great opportunities remaining to spend time together with Him and your friends at FBC.
Saturday Evening is GAME NIGHT! Bring your favorite "family friendly" board game and your favorite munchies, and join us at the
Randolph Town Hall from 6-9 PM. Did you know that some of the most familiar faces you see every Sunday got their start at FBC through being invited to Game Night? Bring a friend, and introduce them to your friends at FBC.
Sunday is one of our favorite days of the year -
RED HEART SUNDAY! At least four things make this a service you won't want to miss:
1.) You get to wear something RED!2.) The Gospel Harmonaires will be singing!
3.) We will rejoice with some who are being baptized!
4.) We will enjoy a homemade soup and sandwich luncheon in Fellowship Hall after the service.
Yes, God is GOOD. And He just keeps getting better. Join us as we praise and serve Him at Friendship Bible Church this week.