Greetings in the Name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, and welcome to the Friendship Bible Church BLOG, your source for announcements and information about what's happening at FBC.

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Thursday, October 31, 2013

I Have Never Been Sorry

When I was a boy of fifteen, I believed in the Lord Jesus, was baptized, and joined the Church of Christ; and nothing upon earth would please me more than to hear of other boys having been led to do the same. I have never been sorry for what I did then; no, not even once. I have had plenty of time to think it over, and many temptations to try some other course; and if I had found out that I had been deceived, or that I had blundered, I would have made a change before now, and would do my best to prevent others from falling into the same delusion. The day I gave myself up to the Lord Jesus, to be His servant, was the very best day of my life; then I began to be safe and to be happy; then I found out the secret of living, and had a worthy object for my life's exertions, and an unfailing comfort for life's troubles. Because I would wish every boy, who reads these lines, to have a bright eye, a light tread, a joyful heart, and overflowing spirits, I therefore plead with him to consider whether he will not follow my example, for I speak from experience, and know what I say. (Excerpted from The Autobiography of Charles Spurgeon)

Amen. I've never known anyone to be sorry for having trusted Christ. I certainly never have been. And if you have not yet taken that step, do it now. You will never regret it.

Parents - a Word For You

John Piper's thoughts on why parents should require obedience from their children.

All parents or potential parents... even grandparents, will be well helped by reading this.

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Talking to the One Who Made Us

THERE IS PERHAPS no greater evidence that human beings act contrary to their self-interest than the fact that we spend so little time talking to the one who made and loves us. (Daniel W. Taylor Professor of English at Bethel College St. Paul, Minnesota)

Your brothers and sisters meet again this Wednesday evening, as they do every Wednesday of the world, to pray.

Join us?

6:30-7:15 PM.

Saturday, October 26, 2013

Josh MacDowell - SUNDAY at 6

Apologies, but I fear the pastor has been providing false information. Josh MacDowell will be at the Chapel in Marlboro TOMORROW. I erroneously told some that it was tonight. The Apologetics Seminar is at 6:00 PM on Sunday, October 27.

Here is the information from the Chapel website:

I will be attending the 6:00 session, if anybody is interested in riding along.

Friday, October 25, 2013

Teen Bonfire and Pumpkin Drilling

When? Sunday, October 27th, from 5:00 to 7:30 PM
Where? Beau Salisbury's house 3753 Bassett Rd. 44201

Bonfire, pumpkin drilling, Hot doggggies, Mac and cheese, s'more and surprises from the Beau's Momma, hot chocolate...

You don't wanna miss this!!!!!  Invite your friends!!!!!!

Dress warm!!

Thursday, October 24, 2013

It's Off!

The Campfire Fellowship, that is.

Due to a couple conflicts, we've decided to cancel the final fellowship for this year. See you around the campfire next year!

It's On!

Men's' Prayer Breakfast, that is!

Join us at 8:00 Saturday for the monthly blessing of great food, wonderful fellowship, the Word of God, and prayer.

Pray a For Janet

Earl Martin, Janet's dad, has gone home to be with Jesus.

Calling hours are Saturday from 2-4 with the funeral immediately following at:

Victory Christian Center
3899 McCartney Rd.
Youngstown, OH 44436

Keep Janet, Carl and their family in your prayers.

Friday, October 18, 2013

Judgement House!


We will be going to the Hudson Community Chapel Judgement House THIS SUNDAY (October 20).

Invite all your friends!!!!!!

Meet at the church at 2:45.
Tee shirts / hoodies / jeans please.
Adults will be driving only. I will need each of your parent / guardians to sign a permission slip.... Even if they are going with us.

We will stop for dinner on the way home... You don't need any $.

Check it out at


Wednesday, October 9, 2013

What in the world is going on?

What's happening in American? Syria? Russia? Egypt? Turkey? Iran?

I recently received a link to this video, taken at Shadow Mountain Community Church, where Dr. David Jeremiah is the pastor. It is the best and most exciting explanation I have ever heard about where we are right now in Biblical prophecy. According to Dr. Jeremiah's introduction to the video, the speaker, Amir Tsarfati, has the unique background of a Bible prophecy teacher, licensed Israel tour guide, homeland security consultant, and key player in Israel's military.

If you will invest the hour to watch this astonishing presentation, I guarantee you will be shouting hallelujahs at the end.

Click here for the video

Monday, October 7, 2013

How Important is Sunday School?


It is said by some that children cannot understand the great mysteries of religion. We even know some Sunday- school teachers who cautiously avoid mentioning the great doctrines of the gospel, because they think the children are not prepared to receive them. Alas! the same mistake has crept into the pulpit; for it is currently believed, among a certain class of preachers, that many of the doctrines of the Word of God, although true, are not fit to be taught to the people, since they would pervert them to their own destruction. Away with such priestcraft! Whatever God has revealed ought to be preached. Whatever He has revealed, if I am not capable of understanding it, I will still believe and preach it. I do hold that there is no doctrine of the Word of God which a child, if he be capable of salvation, is not capable of receiving. I would have children taught all the great doctrines of truth without a solitary exception, that they may in their after days hold fast by them.
I can bear witness that children can understand the Scriptures; for I am sure that, when but a child, I could have discussed many a knotty point of controversial theology, having heard both sides of the question freely stated among my father's circle of friends. In fact, children are capable of understanding some things in early life, which we hardly understand afterwards. Children have eminently a simplicity of faith, and simplicity of faith is akin to the highest knowledge; indeed, I know not that there is much distinction between the simplicity of a child and the genius of the profoundest mind. He who receives things simply, as a child, will often have ideas which the man who is prone to make a syllogism of everything will never attain unto. If you wish to know whether children can be taught, I point you to many in our churches, and in pious families,-- not prodigies, but such as we frequently see,-- Timothys and Samuels, and little girls, too, who have early come to know a Saviour's love. As soon as a child is capable of being lost, it is capable of being saved. As soon as a child can sin, that child can, if God's grace assist it, believe and receive the Word of God. As soon as children can learn evil, be assured that they are competent, under the teaching of the Holy Spirit, to learn good. (Spurgeon, from his Autobiography)

Sunday School is FREE! It is staffed with teachers and helpers who care about the souls of your kids! Where else will they hear if not here?

Friday, October 4, 2013

Haven Time!

It's that time again! Join us at the Haven of Rest in Akron at 10:00 Saturday morning as we help set up and serve lunch to the homeless and needy.

Wednesday, October 2, 2013


On his knees the believer is invincible. (Charles Spurgeon)

Prayer meeting - every Wednesday evening at 6:30.  Join us?

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

How Does The Apple Get In The Bottle?

In his autobiography, Charles Spurgeon tells of an incident in his childhood when he discovered a bottle that had an apple inside it. It took him some time to figure out how the apple got inside the bottle. But once he figured it out, he realized it was an apt illustration of why we need to reach children for Christ when they are young.

Let us get the apples into the bottle while they are little: which, being translated, signifies, let us bring the young ones into the house of God, by means of the Sabbath-school, in the hope that, in after days, they will love the place where His honour dwelleth, and there seek and find eternal life. By our making the Sabbath dreary, many young minds may be prejudiced against religion: we would do the reverse. Sermons should not be so long and dull as to weary the young folk, or mischief will come of them; but with interesting preaching to secure attention, and loving teachers to press home the truth upon the youthful heart, we shall not have to complain of the next generation, that they have "forgotten their resting- places." (Charles Haddon Spurgeon)

Parents, the devil will lay myriads of temptations before you on Sunday morning - anything will seem more pressing and convenient than taking your children to Sunday school. But if you are going to get the apple into the bottle, you dare not waste the small window of opportunity that is before you. Don't let the devil have that time! Don't let Satan have your children!

Sunday school - every Lord's Day morning at 9:30.