Greetings in the Name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, and welcome to the Friendship Bible Church BLOG, your source for announcements and information about what's happening at FBC.

For up to the minute information, follow us on Twitter.

And check out our main website, too, for everything else related to Friendship Bible Church in Randolph, Ohio -

Friday, April 29, 2016

FBC 101 Starts Sunday

Don't forget, if you signed up for the next round of FBC101 it starts this Sunday, May 1st at 9:30 in the new conference room.  Books will be provided, but you'll need to bring your Bibles!

And even if you didn't sign up, but are interested, come on in and join us.  We have extra books available.

Friday, April 22, 2016


At least that's one word we might apply.

Or maybe SPECTACULAR. Or perhaps even WONDERFUL or DELIGHTFUL would work. Of course, words like ENCOURAGING and EDIFYING and UPLIFTING and ENRICHING and PRAYERFUL come to mind.

I'm of course referring to the MEN'S PRAYER BREAKFAST, which will be held this coming Saturday at 8:00 AM.

Guys… What words can I possibly use to convey the tremendous loss that will accrue to your soul should you miss prayer breakfast? Don't miss it! Don't miss it! Don't miss it!

A couple other words just came to mind - DELICIOUS, YUMMY, FOOD, FUN, DELICIOUS (did I already say that?)

See you brothers, this Saturday morning at 8:00 AM in the FBC Fellowship Hall.

Remember - You Have Friends Here!

Thursday, April 14, 2016


Don't forget that the new FBC Singles Ministry will meet again this Friday at 7:00 PM in Fellowship Hall for a game night. Bring your favorite appetizer to share and your favorite board or card game to play.

We will be talking through the question, "How Does One Succeed At Singleness", as well as starting our study of the book "They Were Single Too" and will have copies available at the meeting. If you can afford to purchase the book, that would be great. If not, the church will provide you a copy if you will come to the meetings and join in the discussion.

The FBC singles group is open to anyone who is adult and single, as well as anybody else, regardless of status, who brings a single with them. So come join us as we explore what the Bible teaches about this gift of singleness, and bring your single friends too!

Monday, April 11, 2016

I Just Registered!!

I just registered for the Legacy Journey class, taught by Dave Ramsey and our own Ramsey-trained pro, Marianne Turner.

Have you registered yet? When I first signed up for the Financial Peace University classes, I primarily did so because, as Pastor, I wanted to support the effort that others were making to provide sound financial help and training. My financial house was pretty much in order, I thought, and so I didn't think I really would get much out of the course. But I actually gained invaluable help and my financial affairs are MUCH more in order now having taken that initial class. No matter who you are or where you fall on the continuum of financial health, you need these classes. They will help you, and they will pay for themselves many times over.

The class I just registered for starts tomorrow, Tuesday, April 12 and runs for 7 weeks. I would have registered for it earlier, but it was initially scheduled for Mondays, and I had a scheduling conflict. But it's been moved to Tuesdays! So I'm jumping in at the last minute.

This class is tailored for those who want to go a step further, and learn how to invest and save and plan and prepare. Whether it's retirement you're thinking about, or leaving a legacy to your children, or leaving a legacy that funds ministry long after you're with the Lord, this is the class for you.

You can register at the link on the church website (right hand side of the screen) -

Join me? See you tomorrow - Tuesday, at session 1 of the Legacy Journey?

Ladies Spring Banquet - Got Your Tickets??

Tickets for the Ladies Banquet will be available this coming Thursday evening at the Chicks meeting. Additionally, Sunday sales have been extended two more Sunday's until Sunday, April 24th.

The Ladies Spring Banquet will be held Saturday, May 14th from 5–7PM at the Hartville Kitchen. Wonderful speakers, presentations, and music, along with great food and fellowship. It's an annual event you don't want to miss, ladies. And since this event is now held at the Hartville Kitchen's beautiful and expanded facilities, the banquet is better than ever.

Call the church office, or see Deeannae Egli with any questions.

And get those tickets before they're gone!

Saturday, April 9, 2016

Missions and Munchies

This Sunday, April 10, is another special day at Friendship Bible Church. (Have you noticed how often that happens? Is seems like every single Sunday is special at FBC!)

Robert and Becky Mach, our missionaries to the Ivory Coast, Africa will be with us. You won't want to miss the report on how God is working in Africa, nor will you want to miss the fantastic "Meet the Missionary" fellowship immediately following the service. Bring a dish to pass. Or not, as there is always plenty of food. Either way, join your brothers and sisters for lunch after the service in Fellowship Hall.

BTW - Bob is a great preacher. And Becky plays the violin wonderfully.

Join us for Sunday School at 9:30, Worship at 10:30, and food and fellowship at 11:30. And never forget - You Have Friends Here!

Friday, April 8, 2016

Happy Birthday, Beth

Well it's that time again.  April 8 - Beth's birthday.  Even though she's been gone for nearly 2 years now, it still rings in my mind that it's a special day.

I thought this year that I would post something from her book in memory of her birthday.  But I've done that pretty recently.  And I couldn't find anything from the book that was particularly relevant.  But since I had no better idea I decided to post one of the chapters anyway.  I went to my computer and began looking for the file I needed, for she stored each story on her computer as a separate file.  Scanning the list I saw one I didn't recognize.  It was entitled "What A Day It Is Going To Be."  I grabbed the "Farmer Girl" book and checked.  Sure enough, that chapter didn't make it into the book, and so I opened up that file to see what she had written, and discovered that it was one of the unfinished ones, explaining why I didn't include it in the book.  But though it is unfinished, I think it may be the most perfect of anything she ever wrote, and a fitting tribute on her birthday.

She only managed two lines:


Yes.  What a day it must have been... and everyday since.  Happy birthday, Beth.