Greetings in the Name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, and welcome to the Friendship Bible Church BLOG, your source for announcements and information about what's happening at FBC.

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And check out our main website, too, for everything else related to Friendship Bible Church in Randolph, Ohio -

Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Too Busy To Pray?

Seen on Twitter this morning - "If you are too busy to pray, you are too busy. Cut something out." (D.A. Carson)


Join us for prayer meeting this evening (Wednesday) at 6:30. The meeting will be over by 7:30, but the impact on your life and the lives of others… eternal.

And note - we are back to the original 6:30-7:30 time slot.  

Thursday, July 14, 2016


If you bought tickets for the Rubber Ducks baseball game this Friday evening, and have not already received your tickets, they are in the church office. You can pick them up this evening during the CHICKS meeting.

Additionally, we have several tickets available that are already paid for, if anybody would like free tickets to the game! There are 4 tickets at the church, and Pastor Bill has 1 available as well.

See you at the ball field!

Wednesday, July 13, 2016


At least that's what Dr. Emmitt Brown would say about the time conundrum we find ourselves in.

Prayer meeting this evening is at 7:30. I repeat - 7:30. One more time - 7:30.

You see, we decided to bump it from 6:30 to 7:30 for the summer, based on suggestions that more would be able to attend at that time. However, that has not proven true, and so in last week's prayer meeting we decided to change it back to 6:30, it's normal time. However, it was listed as 7:30 in this week's bulletin, and the pastor forgot to announce the reversion to 6:30 from the pulpit!!!

So… GREAT SCOTT… Everybody is confused. But here's the scoop and the final unalterable fact -

PRAYER MEETING THIS EVENING IS AT 7:30. I repeat - 7:30. One more time - 7:30.

And starting with next week's prayer meeting (July 20), we will revert back to 6:30.

Wednesday, July 6, 2016


Join the FBC Singles Ministry as they view the Tall Ships at Fairport Harbor.  This activity is open to everybody, not just the singles, so don't miss out.  

Be at the church and ready to hit the road by 10AM on Saturday, July 9th.  Dress comfortably, and bring an umbrella just in case. We'll finalize drivers and driving plans once we see who is attending, but if you can help with driving that would be great.  The drive is about 1 hour 15 minutes.

Tickets purchased in advance are $10.00.  They can be purchased at the door, but they cost more. If you wish to get in on the advance purchase price, please contact Amy Johnson (330-714-3522) no later than Thursday.

I Wonder What It Would Take

I wonder what it would take to see prayer meetings full of believers praying.

Would mass murders in our land and around the world do it? Would evil rulers depriving people of rights and liberties do it? Would the threat of financial collapse do it? Would personal struggles and needs... health calamities or job loss or broken relationships do it? Would the fact that the prophecies related to the return of the King and the judgment to follow are all nearly fulfilled do it? Would the fact that the Christian freedoms so taken for granted in this country are slipping away do it? Would the imminent illegality of just such prayer meetings do it?

Well, the fact is all of those things are happening right now, aren't they?  Has there ever been a time when we needed prayer meeting more than now?

Join us this evening for prayer meeting at 7:30 (NOTE THE TIME CHANGE FOR SUMMER).