Greetings in the Name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, and welcome to the Friendship Bible Church BLOG, your source for announcements and information about what's happening at FBC.

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Friday, June 16, 2017


It all starts Friday evening as the setup for VBS 2017: Fire Fighters, takes place. Be at the church at 5:00 if you wanna eat first, and at 6:00 if you just wanna help setup. More details are on Susan's Facebook posts.

Saturday the fun continues as the Johnson family hosts the first of our summer campfire fellowships. Bring a lawn chair and a dish to pass. The grills will be hot with the main course and the drinks will be provided, so think "side dish" or salad or dessert. If you like to fish bring your tackle and land a bass or bluegill (or maybe, like last year, an angry snapper). Cornhole, horseshoes, fun, fellowship, and food with your brothers and sisters in Christ. It all takes place at Johnson Acres starting at 5:00 PM. Oh, and don't worry about that "campfire" part. It's supposed to be 90 degrees, so we will no doubt forgo the fire thing.

Of course Sunday is the Lord's Day, the best day of the week and the highlight of the weekend for believers. Remember our summer schedule continues, with one service taking place at 9:30 AM. And it's Father's Day, so invite dads. Invite everybody you can! There will be a small gift for all the men and boys in attendance.

Join us for a great weekend in God's service and with God's people! Remember: You have FRIENDS at Friendship Bible Church!