Greetings in the Name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, and welcome to the Friendship Bible Church BLOG, your source for announcements and information about what's happening at FBC.

For up to the minute information, follow us on Twitter.

And check out our main website, too, for everything else related to Friendship Bible Church in Randolph, Ohio -

Wednesday, March 13, 2019

Feel like praying with your brothers and sisters tonight?

H.B. Charles, Jr. said, 
"Pray when you feel like it. 
Pray when you don’t feel like it. 
Pray until you feel like it." 

6:30 - 7:30, Every Wednesday Evening!

Tuesday, February 19, 2019

Service Details - Julie Jones

Church family - the service for Julie Jones will take place Friday, February 22 at 11:00 AM. Please hold up the family in prayer!

Friday, February 15, 2019

Prayers for those Hurting

Church family - please pray for some of our number who are hurting badly today. The Jones family and the Wilhelm family are both saying goodbye to loved ones.

And for the hurting - a quote I came across that helps me when walking a hard road -

"Never give up in the desert. You don't know how wide it is, and you may be almost across." (Donald S. Whitney)

Friday, February 8, 2019


It's HERE.

Remember that everything starts with the worship service at 10:30 AM. You'll love the music of the Inspired Band. And immediately after the service, you'll love the fellowship and food with brothers and sisters. You are welcome to bring a dish to pass at the fellowship if you want, but there will be plenty of chili and other goodies already on hand.

See you Sunday - RED HEART Sunday, that is! Wear something RED!

Oh... and always always always remember that...

You have FRIENDS at Friendship Bible Church!

Thursday, February 7, 2019


Sometimes the pastor doesn't plan things out very well. I had not thought through the fact that the fellowship hall will be unavailable for Sunday School as will the sanctuary, where the Inspired Band will be setting up and doing sound checks.

SO... We are going to CANCEL the Sunday School hour for Red Heart Sunday. The worship service will start at 10:30, followed by the fellowship time immediately thereafter in Fellowship Hall.

WEAR SOMETHING RED!  INVITE SOME FRIENDS! And please share this announcement with any of your FBC family you see, so that all are informed.

Remember... You have FRIENDS at Friendship Bible Church!

OH... and by the way - THIS IS ANOTHER EXAMPLE OF WHY WE NEED OUR PHASE 3 BUILDING PROGRAM!!!! Keep praying about that as well. 

Wednesday, February 6, 2019

A Mighty Engine, Indeed!

“Believer, thou hast a mighty engine in thy hand, use it well, use it constantly, use it with faith, and thou shalt surely be a benefactor to thy brethren.” (Spurgeon)

Join us this evening from 6:30-7:30 PM
for Prayer Meeting.

All are welcome!

And remember - You have FRIENDS at Friendship Bible Church!

Friday, February 1, 2019

Time for Number 2!

The second of our 3 games nights will take place this Saturday, February 2nd, at 6:30 PM in Fellowship Hall. The first was a blast, and I'm sure this one will be too.

Bring a few of your favorite board games or card games (family / Christian friendly, please), and enjoy a relaxed evening with friends. 

If you are able, bring some munchies to share - chips, cookies, etc., or some pop to share. 

This is a family / kid friendly activity, so bring them all along!

Remember... always remember... You have friends at Friendship Bible Church!

Friday, January 25, 2019

Sunday, January 20, 2019

No church today?

Our church in Randolph, along with many others around us, found it necessary to cancel the regular Lord's Day services due to weather.


Don't let this snowy Lord's Day get away without spending some time worshipping the Lord of the day.

John was exiled on Patmos, and took time there in that lonely place to worship. I was in the Spirit on the Lord's Day, and I heard behind me a loud voice, as of a trumpet, (Revelation 1:10 NKJV)

Paul and Silas were stuck in prison, and took time to hold their own little church service there. But at midnight Paul and Silas were praying and singing hymns to God, and the prisoners were listening to them. (Acts 16:25 NKJV)

So my brothers and sisters, in between shoveling snow and warming up in front of the fire, let's shovel out a little time for the Lord - read from His Word, breathe a prayer of thanks for His blessings, worship Him today... wherever you may be.

Friday, January 18, 2019

It's Coming!

February 10th
The Inspired Band
Food... Fun... Fellowship...

Wednesday, January 16, 2019

Will you?

Midweek Prayer Meeting
Wednesdays, 6:30-7:30 PM

Friday, January 11, 2019

Thursday, January 10, 2019

Countdown to AOM - 4 Weeks to Go!

February 8th - 9th 
(Friday 7PM to 9PM, Saturday 9AM - 3PM)

This seminar from FamilyLife is for those who are newly married, those who have been married for ages, and even for those who might be married someday. Wherever you are in the journey, this seminar will be a blessing. 

God can turn any marriage into a masterpiece! 

Sign up for by selecting “Where Can I Connect” on the church website at the link below, where you can also find the link for purchasing the workbook set, which is $34.95 per couple and is required for this event.

Tuesday, January 8, 2019

Let's Play!

The first of 3 games nights will take place this Saturday, January 12th, at 6:30 PM in Fellowship Hall. Bring a few of your favorite board games or card games (family / Christian friendly, please), and enjoy a relaxed evening with friends. 

If you are able, bring some munchies to share - chips, cookies, etc., or some pop to share. 

This is a family / kid friendly activity, so bring them all along!

Remember... always remember... You have friends at Friendship Bible Church!

Tuesday, January 1, 2019

No Prayer Meeting Wednesday!

Our New Year's Eve prayer meeting and celebration took the place of prayer meeting this week. The normal Wednesday evening schedule resumes next week - January 9th at 6:30 PM.

Happy New Year!