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Thursday, August 2, 2007

120 Years Per Inch?

"In the beginning, God..." (Genesis 1:1)

Do you believe that?

I recently toured an underground cavern which was stunningly beautiful. Stalactites of breathtaking beauty and design hung from the ceiling while mirrored from below by stalagmites. Cavern after cavern increasingly revealed the artistic genius of our God. At one point during the tour, the group entered a large cavern containing what appeared to be a church organ at one end. Apparently, years ago, somebody had discoverered that when you tap a stalactite, it produces a sound. Armed with this knowledge, the discoverer went on to create this organ that generates its music from tapping thousands of the stalactites in the cave. Seconds later, "A Mighty Fortress Is Our God" was echoing eerily from the flickering depths of the cave. I marvelled and worshipped at the same time. A mighty fortress, indeed! "The earth showeth forth His handiwork."

But what's that you say? Those stalactites and stalagmites were formed over millions of years? Each of those magnificent sculptures was formed at a rate of one inch per every 120 years? It was simply a natural process that occurred during that eons-long period when mankind was evolving from the primordial ooze?

Sorry, I just don't buy that. "In the beginning God." If you accept that one phrase in our Bible, then you have no trouble believing everything else - including the fact the earth is not millions or billions of years old, but only thousands, as the Bible teaches... and including the fact that things like that amazing cavern with its stunning hues and colors and sculptures that put Michelangelo to shame, were all the result of a creative God.

"In the beginning God!" That is the world view that shapes every aspect of our belief system as Christians. And that world view includes the fact that God is God - sovereign and supreme. He can do as He pleases and does not rely on natural processes. He can create all the multiplied trillions of stars in our universe with a simple word, so why would we think He needs 120 years to form an inch of rock?

"In the beginning God." Say it over and over and over to yourself today. If you get hold of that truth it colors everything you see, everything you say, everything you believe.

"In the beginning God."

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