Something happened, though. The sun began to burn through the fog. "Come on, sun," I silently urged. And sure enough, as it burned ever brighter, the fog grew ever thinner, until it was gone.
But wait! I still couldn't see a thing! I could tell that the fog had lifted, but my vision was still blurred. I wiped my glove across my facemask, and sure enough, the fog was still clinging to me. Once wiped off, I could see clearly, but only until I approached a portion of my daily commute that takes me deep into a valley. Down I went, and up came the fog. In the valley, I found myself once again blinded by the fog. Climbing up the other side, I felt the sun again, wiped the fog from my visor, and was once again able to see.
Sunday, Lord willing, we will be studying John 8:31-32, where Jesus said, "If ye continue in my word, then are ye my disciples indeed; And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."
- Do you feel like you're in a fog? Then let the sun of Christ's words reveal the truth to you! Constancy in His word will lead you to the truth.
- Do you still have trouble seeing the things of God clearly, even when you are washing daily in the sun of His word? Maybe you need to wipe some off! Unconfessed sin in your life will dirty up your vision. Wipe it off!
- Do you find yourself in a valley? Depressed? Down? Struggling with the issues of this life and therefore blinded by the fog that lays in that valley? Look up, my friend. The higher you look and the higher you climb, the thinner the fog will be!
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