For many, the rush of shopping and activities and preparations smother the spirit of celebration. But Christian, do not forget that these days in December are a wonderful reminder of all that we have to celebrate in Christ. He is the reason for the season.
In our home, we recently viewed the movie "The Nativity", which is a wonderful reminder of just how amazing the birth of the Savior was. In one scene, the actor portraying Joseph takes the newly born King from Mary's hands, just moments after His birth, laughing and rejoicing as he holds Him high in the air. What a picture of the joy we should all feel as we celebrate that birth!
During these days of hectic activity - remember to celebrate the Child... the King... the Savior.
Here are a couple of activities to remember this week:
Wednesday Evening - Prayer meeting - we'll look at Psalm 23 this week, and then we'll pray for each other. Meet at the church at 6:30 PM.
Saturday Evening - Dress rehearsal for the Christmas cantata. Meet at the church at 6:00 PM.
Sunday Morning - The service will consist primarily of our Christmas cantata - "Wonderful Name". We'll meet as usual for Sunday School at 9:30 AM, and then enjoy the cantata during our morning worship hour at 10:30 AM. Invite somebody to come with you as we celebrate that "Wonderful Name" together.
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