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Friday, April 2, 2010

Easter Weekend

Several things to remember as we enter this wonderful weekend - a weekend that starts with Good Friday services tonight (7:00 PM), where we remember that Jesus died for us all, and culminates with our worship service at 10:30 AM on Sunday, where we rejoice in the fact that Jesus rose and lives so we may too!

In between, there are a couple of things to remember:

Saturday morning - Haven of Rest service at 10:30. Meet at the Haven of Rest if you can help.

Sunday morning - SONRise Breakfast at 9:00 AM. Men who are serving need to be at the church at 8:00 AM. Everyone else, join us at 9:00 for breakfast.

Remember, there is NO Sunday School this Sunday!

We are praying for a full house on Easter, for that will glorify the risen Lord. Will you join us?

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