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Friday, March 30, 2007

Four-Fold Development

I read this verse this morning in my Bible:

"And Jesus increased in wisdom and stature, and in favour with God and man." (Luke 2:52)

Jesus was and is the Son of God, but He was also the Son of man. He was just as much man as He was God. As such, we can learn much about humanity by studying this most perfect human Who ever lived. In Luke 2:52, we are taught that Jesus developed in four ways - wisdom (mental development), stature (physical development), favour with God (spiritual development) and favour with man (social development).

To let any of these areas languish... to ignore our health in any of these areas, is to be less than God wants us to be.

Which area is in need of attention in your life, this morning?
  1. Do you need to spend some time working on mental development? Reading, studying, learning something new. Keeping your mind fresh and active is important for your overall health. Read your Bible, even just a few verses everyday. It will stimulate your mind and help you to grow mentally.
  2. How about your physical development. Some of us could use more help here than others. Physical exercise is important to overall health. Walk, jog, exercise.
  3. What about your social health? We need time with each other, whether it's at home, at work, among friends and neighbors, or with a group of Christians in a local church. We need each other.
  4. And of course, what about your spiritual health? How are you and God? Are you growing daily in favor with God? Sadly, many neglect this crucial aspect of life. Do you know Christ? And if you know Him, are you growing daily in Him?
If you neglect any of these four areas, you are less healthy than God wants you to be. Will you determine today to "increase in wisdom and stature, and in favour with God and man?"

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