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Wednesday, March 21, 2007


Recently, we had a "Hurry Up Spring" and "Welcome New Friends" party at the church. We were trying to make spring come a little quicker. And, we have some new faces at Randolph Christian Church, and we wanted to get to know each other a little better. So we played some games, ate some pizza, and just spent some fun time together.

As I sat at the Trivial Pursuit table with some dear brothers and sisters in Christ, I found that I am not very good at Trivial Pursuit. So much so that one person at the table took to indicating my lack of prowess by making the letter "L" with her hand in front of her forehead everytime I failed to answer correctly. Soon everyone at the table was joining in the chorus, making the "L" and chanting LOSER to me.

It's only mildly annoying to be a loser at a game like Trivial Pursuit. But what about being a loser in life? There is an interesting Bible verse that describes those who, spiritually, have a big "L" in front of their forehead:
"For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul?" (Mark 8:36)
Many today are concentrating on the wrong things. Success in the business world means nothing if you lose your soul. Success in relationships, friends, money, education, worldly influence... all nothing if you lose your soul and spend eternity in hell.

How is your soul, my friend?

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