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Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Happenings - week of July 28, 2008

Are you enjoying the lazy, hazy days of summer? Summer is a time when we often pause to recharge our batteries... take some time away for vacation... and generally relax and enjoy God's creation. At least in NE Ohio, it's a wonderful time to be outside, breathing fresh air, rather than air conditioned air, feeling the light of the sun on our skin, rather than flourescent light.

But the work of Christ's church goes on! Let us not forget the Lord in the midst of summertime activities. Here are a couple of opportunities to pause and serve the Savior this week:

Wednesday at 6:30 - midweek prayer meeting. This is not a preaching service, but a prayer service. We do open the Bible for a brief discussion, but it lasts no more than 10 minutes. This service is entirely dedicated to prayer - we pray for one another. The great prophet Samuel reminded us of the importance or praying for one another when he said, As for me, far be it from me that I should sin against the Lord by failing to pray for you. (1 Samuel 12:23 NIV) Will you join us in prayer?

Saturday at 10:00 am - we will be serving at the Haven of Rest in Akron.

Sunday at 10:30 am - we will have a baby dedication at the conclusion of our morning worship service.

May I leave you with an interesting thought for the day? Billy Graham said, "Jesus invited us not to a picnic but to a pilgrimage; not to a frolic but to a fight."

Good thing for us to remember today! The cause of Jesus Christ is serious business. May we be pilgrims and soldiers for His cause today.

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