Greetings in the Name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, and welcome to the Friendship Bible Church BLOG, your source for announcements and information about what's happening at FBC.

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And check out our main website, too, for everything else related to Friendship Bible Church in Randolph, Ohio -

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

You might be on TV

If you attended our recent campfire fellowship, that is...

If you have Time Warner Cable, check out channel 528 - the Local Events section. Interesting! Thanks to Sister Linda for this! The next Campfire Fellowship is only a few days away. Join us!

For those who are following the Pastor's Masters with baited breath, it will interest you to know that the standings are really tightening up. And believe it or not, the Pastor actually beat out everybody to win round 2!

The next round of the Pastor's Masters will take place in August. Join us!

As always, don't forget this week's events -

Wednesday Evening Prayer Meeting - 6:30 PM
Saturday Morning - Farmer's Market - 9:00 AM until 12:00 PM

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