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Monday, January 3, 2011

The 61 Day Challenge

Every January, we talk about resolutions.  For Bible believing Christians, it is common to resolve that we are going to read through the Bible in the new year.  Toward that end, last year we gave out a plan for accomplishing that.

This year, in an attempt to encourage everybody to try and read their Bibles more, without being intimidated by the scope of reading every verse of it, we are offering the 61 day reading plan.

This plan will not take you through every book and every verse of the Bible.  Nor will it require you to read it every single day in order to keep current with the plan (although reading your Bible every single day is a habit all Christians should cultivate).

Rather, this plan will give you an overview of the Bible. In 61 days, you will cover all the major parts of the Bible - you will get it all, in survey form.  And if you miss a day or two, you are still on track, for you only need 61 days out of the year to complete it!


If you missed worship services Sunday, and did not receive your copy of the plan, HERE IT IS.

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