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Tuesday, October 1, 2013

How Does The Apple Get In The Bottle?

In his autobiography, Charles Spurgeon tells of an incident in his childhood when he discovered a bottle that had an apple inside it. It took him some time to figure out how the apple got inside the bottle. But once he figured it out, he realized it was an apt illustration of why we need to reach children for Christ when they are young.

Let us get the apples into the bottle while they are little: which, being translated, signifies, let us bring the young ones into the house of God, by means of the Sabbath-school, in the hope that, in after days, they will love the place where His honour dwelleth, and there seek and find eternal life. By our making the Sabbath dreary, many young minds may be prejudiced against religion: we would do the reverse. Sermons should not be so long and dull as to weary the young folk, or mischief will come of them; but with interesting preaching to secure attention, and loving teachers to press home the truth upon the youthful heart, we shall not have to complain of the next generation, that they have "forgotten their resting- places." (Charles Haddon Spurgeon)

Parents, the devil will lay myriads of temptations before you on Sunday morning - anything will seem more pressing and convenient than taking your children to Sunday school. But if you are going to get the apple into the bottle, you dare not waste the small window of opportunity that is before you. Don't let the devil have that time! Don't let Satan have your children!

Sunday school - every Lord's Day morning at 9:30.

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