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Wednesday, March 7, 2007

What Do You Believe?

May I ask you a question? Imagine that a total stranger approached you in the street, looked deep into your eyes, and asked "What do you believe?" Are you imagining it? How would you answer this person? Can you explain what you believe? People enter church buildings every Sunday morning. But how many Christians can explain WHY they do it? Surprisingly few church attenders can adequately explain what they believe.

According to Leadership Journal, 90% of new members will stay in the church if:
  1. They can articulate their faith (implies need for membership and evangelism classes).
  2. They belong to subgroups (i.e. choir, Bible Studies, Sunday School classes, etc.).
  3. They have 4-8 close friendships within the church.
Notice that first point. If a person can answer that question, "What do you believe," then that person is more likely to feel at home in their church, and to stay active in their church.

Here at RCC we are striving to help you answer the question. The Pastor's current teaching series is entitled "What We Believe." Come and join us, Sunday mornings at 10:30.

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