And Jesus answered and said unto her, Martha, Martha, thou art careful and troubled about many things: But one thing is needful: and Mary hath chosen that good part, which shall not be taken away from her. (Luke 10:41-42)
You remember the story, don't you? If not, you can read about it in Luke 10:38-42. Jesus was in the home of His good friends Lazarus, Mary and Martha. Martha was concerned about all the trappings associated with being a good hostess. I can picture her fussing about, refreshing the Lord's beverage, ensuring he was comfortable, preparing and cooking and serving the food, cleaning up after her Guest, etc. Meanwhile, she was becoming increasingly frustrated to see her sister ignoring all these important tasks, remaining at Jesus' feet, and listening to His every word. Finally, in frustration, she complained to Jesus about this seeming injustice.
But notice that Jesus didn't rebuke Mary, but rather gave a mild correction to Martha. It was not that she was doing anything wrong, but rather that she had gotten her priorities off just a little. What Jesus had to offer was far more important than anything Martha was doing. And Mary was not being unkind to her sister, or lazy in leaving certain mundane worldly things undone - she was just concentrating on the "one thing that is needful" - Jesus Christ.
Do you find yourself sometimes "careful and troubled about many things" as Martha was? If so, stop. Set some time aside for the things of God. Time spent in prayer and seeking the Lord is never wasted time. Time spent in reading your Bible is never wasted time. All those activities that clamor for your attention will still be there when you're done sitting at Jesus' feet. But you will be closer to Him, healthier, and happier in your Christian walk, when you recognize that "one thing is needful."
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