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Wednesday, June 18, 2008


(Here's another great devotional from Dr. David Jeremiah:)

Also I heard the voice of the Lord, saying: "Whom shall I send, and who will go for Us?" Then I said, "Here I am! Send me." (Isaiah 6:8)

An old Yiddish Proverb says, "If you don't want to do something, one excuse is as good as another." One school teacher received an apt example of that when a note arrived from the mother of an absent student. "Please excuse Jennifer for missing school," said the note. "We forgot to get the Sunday paper off the porch, and when we found it Monday, we thought it was Sunday."

Another teacher was handed a note that read: "Please excuse Lisa for being absent. She was sick and I had her shot."

When it comes to working for Christ, no excuse will do. Don't say: I don't have time, I don't have what it takes, I'm not the right person, That's not my gift, I'll do it later, I'm too shy, I don't know how, I think someone else would be better. I'm not good enough. I'm not old enough.

Jesus once told a parable about those who "with one accord began to make excuses" (Luke 14:18).

Instead, just prayerfully kneel before the Lord and say: Here am I! Send me.

He that is good for making excuses is seldom good for anything else. (Benjamin Franklin)

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