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Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Calling All Men

This Saturday morning, we will undertake a project with which we could use your help, men.  We discovered this week that the antique chandelier hanging in our sanctuary has a broken wire in it and must be taken down from the ceiling, rewired and repaired, cleaned, and put back up.  Additionally, there is some wiring work that needs done in the attic to support this effort, as we discovered the circuit running to the chandelier is ancient.

Anybody able and willing to help, meet at the church a little after 8:00 AM Saturday morning.  We don't need a mob, but we do need 4-6 guys to ensure we can safely handle the task.  Some are already committed to the Farmer's Market outreach.  If so, please continue with that commitment.  But if you're free... see you at 8AM!

Who knows - there might even be free donuts involved.

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