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Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Let's Go!

This coming Lord's Day is a special one here at Randolph Christian Church. Summer is winding down... the children are heading back to school... vacations and busy summer schedules are over... and we begin once again to concentrate on the work of God.

And so this coming Sunday we're calling "Let's Go Sunday" - it is the kick off of a busy and active fall season. It is the equivalent of the high school football team huddling before a big play - all hands in the circle, and all shouting together "One... two... three... LET'S GO!"

The pep rally begins at 10:30 Sunday morning, when the Chancel Players from Malone College will minister to us in a very non-traditional service. This group of college students perform faith-based drama in churches, schools, and various community organizations. We will be giving them almost the entire service time on Sunday. Their sometimes humorous, and sometimes dramatic presentation will bless you. Don't miss it.

"Let's Go!"

And the following Sunday, September 16th, the Sunday School hour starts at 9:30. We will be starting with one class for the kids and one for the adults and teens. So parents, bring your kids, and then join the adults in a lively discussion-style lesson in the auditorium. "Train a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not turn from it." (Proverbs 22:6)

"Let's Go!"

You know, Jesus never wanted His church to sit still. He wants us pushing boldly ahead - trying new things, taking on new ministries, and reaching an ever-widening audience. He said, "I will build my church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it." (Matthew 16:18) Think about that verse. Gates don't move. Jesus was not saying the church would defensively hold up against the onslaught of evil, but rather that the church should be on the offensive and storming the gates of hell. Ever moving forward - ever on the attack.

And so, until that last whistle blows, we're sending in plays and pushing toward the end zone. Will you join us, starting this Sunday - "Let's Go Sunday?"

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