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Friday, November 9, 2007

Big Week

Things are really getting exciting at Randolph Christian Church. I've been praying lately that the Lord would do something BIG here. My life verse, as I've shared before, is Jeremiah 33:3, "Call unto me and I will answer thee, and show thee GREAT and MIGHTY THINGS, that thou knowest not." I don't want little answers to prayer. I want to see God do something GREAT and MIGHTY at Randolph Christian Church.

The hymn writer Daniel Whittle said it like this:
Showers of blessing,
Showers of blessing we need:
Mercy drops round us are falling,
But for the showers we plead.
Not just the drops, but the showers. Is that what you want for Randolph Christian Church? Will you join me in praying for God to open the heavens and do something GREAT and MIGHTY here?

Well this coming week we have several opportunities to see God do wonderful things.

Sunday - Missionary Greg Bryan will be with us. He ministers to college kids at KSU. Pray for and invite every young person you know to join us for this service.

Thursday, November 15th - We have the opportunity to tour the Haven of Rest during their annual open house. Some of you have expressed just such a desire. See where your missionary dollars go! And see how God uses the gifts and service of little churches like ours to help those in great need.

Friday, November 16th - Those who bought tickets will be traveling to Youngstown for the Gaither Vocal Band and Signature Sound concert.

It's gonna be a great week to be a part of Randolph Christian Church!

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