It is an annual ritual, and obligatory where I work - the sexual harrassment training session. Many of you probably have to attend these annual sessions, which are now common in many organizations.
Where I work, the session was conducted by an attorney from a large law firm, and the presenter, a litigator, actually made the session very interesting. After concluding the session, and returning to my office, I found myself meditating on one particular phrase he used in his presentation. He displayed a slide containing a definition of sexual harrassment, and then he said, "No word in this definition is extraneous or unnecessary. Every word is here for a purpose."
Wow. My mind couldn't help but go back to the Bible, where we read that "every word of God is flawless." (Proverbs 30:5) And Jesus said "I tell you the truth, until heaven and earth disappear, not the smallest letter, not the least stroke of a pen, will by any means disappear from the Law until everything is accomplished." (Matthew 5:18)
Our courts understand the value of language - every single word or punctuation point has meaning. Do you understand the value of the language used in your Bible? Do you understand that the Holy Spirit of God inspired men to use the exact words He wanted them to use to convey the exact truth He wanted conveyed? (2 Peter 1:21) Do you understand that every word in your Bible is important? That "no word therein is extraneous or unnecessary. Every word is there for a purpose?"
This is why we are safe in regulating our lives by the Bible, obeying its every command, and living daily according to its instructions.
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