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Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Merriest Christmas

Here's a little Christmas humor to lighten your day:
Thanksgiving was only eight days away. Michelle, who teaches the Bible in our midweek children's program, decided to ask her preschoolers about the upcoming holiday. She thought it would be effective to have the class playfully correct some wrong ideas about Thanksgiving.

"Now let me see. Thanksgiving. That's the day when we think about all the stuff we have. And how we want more things than anybody else has. And how we don't care about anybody but ourselves. And —"

"No!" the kids started to yell. "No-o-o!"

Then one little guy called out, "That's not Thanksgiving, Miss Michelle, that's Christmas!"
(Rubel Shelly, Nashville, Tennessee)

Let's laugh at that, and determine it's not true in our homes and lives. May we remember this Christmas day that Jesus Christ was born of a virgin, laid in manger, worshipped by shepherds, wisemen and angels. He grew to adulthood, lived a perfect and sinless life. He healed the sick, cleansed the leper, forgave the sinner, loved the unlovable. He made blind eyes see, deaf ears hear, and lame legs walk. He raised the dead to life again. And then, to ultimately show His love, He gave His life on the cross to pay for your sins and mine. He lay in the grave for 3 days and then arose, defeating death. And the best part? He's coming back - for me and for you! GLORY!

That's Christmas! May we never forget it. May we keep Him in the center of it. This year, and every year.

"For unto us, a child is born. Unto us a Son is given."
"Thanks be unto God for His unspeakable gift."

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