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Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Pothole Pontifications

I walked past the motorcycle this morning, and dejectedly climbed into my pickup truck to drive to work. A few days ago we were blessed here in NE Ohio with a couple of beautiful and unseasonably warm days. Those days gave the opportunity to take the bike to work, and it spoiled me. Since then, I've looked at the thermometer each morning only to be disappointed and take the truck!

But as I think about those 2 nice days of riding, I'm reminded of a lesson I learned.

This time of year, in NE Ohio, potholes rule the road. And navigating through the minefield of potholes takes a firm hand and steady nerves when you're seated atop only 2 wheels. You have to constantly keep your eye on the small stretch of road directly in front of you. If you're not careful, you become focused on that small stretch of rubble and debris, and forget to watch further down the road.


How often do we believers find our gaze diverted from the Lord Jesus Christ by the rubbish and debris that our enemy constantly throws in the road? We have to deal with the potholes, but the trick is to learn to keep our eyes focused on the Lord as we do so. "... let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which doth so easily beset us, and let us run with patience the race that is set before us, Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith..." (Hebrews 12:1-2)

Don't be distracted by the potholes today. Keep your focus down the road - on the Lord Jesus Christ.

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