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Monday, August 2, 2010

Buzzards? Demons?

I read another pastor's tongue-in-cheek illustration once concerning the fact that Satan, unlike our heavenly Father, cannot be in all places at once.  Satan is not omnipresent.  Only God is.  Satan, however, has hordes of demons to assist him.  This pastor pointed out that since Satan can't be in every church at the same time, he posts a demon or two on the steeple of each church with the instructions, "Call me if they wake up."


One seems to be headed somewhere, perhaps with a message?  Something like, "This church is awake!  New members joining again this Sunday!  VBS starting up Monday... people are excited... loads of fun during the weekend with a wonderful campfire fellowship and the first round of the Pastor's Masters golf tournament.  Most of all, another Sunday worship service where Jesus was lifted up.  Parking lot and pews were both nearly full!"

His master is no doubt upset.

We pray that our Master is pleased.

And if you have not been part of the fun that is Friendship Bible Church recently, we invite you to join us - any evening this week for VBS, or next Lord's Day at 10:30 AM for worship.

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