Greetings in the Name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, and welcome to the Friendship Bible Church BLOG, your source for announcements and information about what's happening at FBC.

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Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Lots of new faces these days at FBC!

(The following appeared in the church bulletin this last Lord's Day, and is reprinted here:

If you are one if the new faces, make sure and check out the many and varied opportunities available to you here. If we have your email address (see our church secretary if you would like to give that information), or if you follow us on Twitter (, you will get up to date info about happenings. You can always check out the church website and BLOG, too. And the bulletin is always chock full of announcements and opportunities for believers to use their gifts for the Lord. 

Opportunities like the Secret Sisters for the ladies, and the Mens Prayer breakfasts for the guys... golf and softball, campfire fellowships, game nights, bowling, and other fun activities meant to bring us together as a family. 

And opportunities to serve like first Saturdays at the Haven of Rest rescue mission in Akron, or outreach at the Farmers Market on Saturdays during the summer, or door to door evangelism with the pastor, or benevolence ministries for our shutins or those going through hardships. 

The various Sunday School classes, Ladies Bible Study, Wednesday Evening Prayer Meeting, and of course Sunday Morning worship services provide a variety of opportunities to worship, pray, and learn from the Word. Got musical gifts? The Christmas cantata is just around the corner, and we are always looking for musicians. Our music director would love to hear of your interest! Like kids? We have a Jr. church coordinator who would love to help you if you are interested in that. Like computers or technology? There are always opportunities there. And in a small but growing church like FBC, new opportunities are being developed everyday. 

So, check things out and then plug in somewhere. As all God's people use their spiritual gifts for his glory in His local church, amazing things will happen! 

"A spiritual gift is given to each of us as a means of helping the entire church." (1 Corinthians 12:7 NLT)

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