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Friday, August 27, 2010

From the new teachers of the Young Adults SS Class


It’s that time of year again for Friendship Bible Church Sunday School to begin. You may already know that FBC is offering a new selection of classes to chose from. We would like to invite you to join us for our class. We will be meeting in the fellowship hall beginning September 5th at 9:30 a.m.

Our goal is to promote a closer personal walk with the Lord. To achieve this we would like to provide an in depth study into God’s word with topics that are chosen by the class. This will ensure more discussion, feedback, and interaction by all. So please bring any and all biblical based topics, questions, ideas, and/or concerns that may be of interest to you. During the first class, we will discuss these items and the class can choose the first topic together.

We hope to see you September 5th!

God Bless,

Jack and Jessica

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