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Saturday, June 4, 2011

Managing Our Finances God's Way

If you signed up for this summer elective, remember three things:

1.) Class starts TOMORROW, Sunday, June 5, and will meet in the auditorium.

2.) It meets 15 MINUTES EARLIER than the other classes. The video will start promptly at 9:15. As the videos are a major component of the series, you will not want to miss them. Plan on being here enough before 9:15 to get stocked up on coffee in time to catch the start of the video. The first video features Pastor Rick Warren.

3.) There is a $10 cost for materials, per couple, due at the start of class. This will provide an extensive workbook, as well as a supplemental CD.

If you signed up for Phil Ross's summer elective entitled "Balancing the Christian Life", plan on meeting at the normal 9:30 time in the Conference Room just off Fellowship Hall.

If you signed up for Ray Spangler's continuing series on James, meet at the normal time in Fellowship Hall.

And if you didn't sign up... well, just show up, and give any of the new summer electives a try!

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