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Wednesday, May 9, 2007

My Friend

I maneuvered my motorcycle out of the MacDonald's parking lot this morning. I worked my way through the gears as I accelerated down the road toward my work place, and as I did I reflected on the morning. I had just spent some time over breakfast with a good Christian friend. Christian friends are something I've come to value more and more over the years. Have you ever studied what the Bible says about friends? It says a lot:
  1. God's relationship with Moses and Abraham was described as "friendship" in Exodus 33:1 and 2 Chronicles 20:7 (Wouldn't that be a great thing to have on your tombstone - He/she was a friend of God!)
  2. We are told that a friend loveth at all times - Proverbs 17:17, and those blessed with true friends know it is true.
  3. True friends can be trusted to tell us the truth, even if it wounds us - faithful are the wounds of a friend - Proverbs 27:6 A true friend will not just tell us what we want to hear, but will also help us with what we NEED to hear.
  4. A friend makes us a better person - as we interact with our friends, we are improved - Iron sharpeneth iron; so a man sharpeneth the countenance of his friend. - Proverbs 27:17
  5. Of course we are also warned to be careful of "friends" who would lead us away from our God - Deuteronomy 13:6. We are given some amazing examples of such false friends, such as Amnon - 2 Samuel 13:3 A true friend will never lead you into sin, or into questionable activities, or away from God.
Do you have a Christian friend, or Christian friends? There's only one place to find one - and that's amongst Christians. I encourage you to seek out friendships among God's people, for such friendships are invaluable in your walk with God. Come to church faithfully... check out the Bible studies, ministry opportunities, and small group activities that are available. There are friends there... friends who are looking for you, just as you are looking for them.

But perhaps some of the most beautiful truth about friendship is that which describes Jesus as our friend. He was called a friend of sinners (and that includes you and me) - Matthew 11:19. And He called His disciples friends - John 15:15.

Is Jesus your friend? Would you like Him to be? At Randolph Christian Church, we can introduce you to Him. Read this. And then come visit us on Sunday morning. We would love to introduce you to this greatest of Friends.

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