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Friday, May 11, 2007

A Sermon on Two Wheels

Just a flash of brown - that's all I saw. I was on my way to work this morning, and once again God gave a beautiful day for riding my motorcycle. And this morning, my thoughts were arrested by that flash of brown alongside the road - a flash of brown that indicated the presence of two deer feeding in the brush.

As I slowed to make sure they didn't jump in front of me, and then accelerated to leave them safely behind, I reflected on something. How did I see those deer? They were very well camouflaged. Most people would not have seen them. My wife never sees deer along the road, and I am often saying "Deer!" to her as we approach one alongside the road. I talked this over with the Lord as I rode, and here are some conclusions:

  1. About 5 years ago, I took up deer hunting. Since that time I have spent countless hours in the woods learning to see deer. Although my success record at hunting might say otherwise, I have definitely learned to spot them. You might say I have trained myself to see them.
  2. On a motorcycle, few things are as much a concern as deer and other animals running out in front of you. Many riders have been injured or killed by such animals appearing out of nowhere and causing them to crash. My fear of this causes extra vigilance when I'm on the bike. I am always looking for them; scanning the edges of the road; knowing they are there and trying to be ready in advance for their appearance.
Those deer remind me of our adversary, the devil. He is hiding in the brush, always lurking, and always looking for ways to knock us to the ground. Peter said, "Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour. (1 Peter 5:8) There is no way to know from which direction he will try and hit us, but we know he will try.

Now, consider the two lessons I learned this morning on two wheels:
  1. As we study our Bibles, and learn about the Christian walk, and learn about our adversary, we will get better and better at spotting him before he steps out in front of us. Paul said, "Lest Satan should get an advantage of us: for we are not ignorant of his devices." (2 Corinthians 2:11) Read your Bible, Christian - every day. Train your spiritual eyes. It might not seem like it's doing much, but over time you are learning what God wants you to learn. When you need it, He'll bring just the truth you need to mind.
  2. Never let your guard down. Memorize what Peter said about our adversary, and know that he always is after you. Little things that seem innocent are often just what he needs to take your attention off the road and cause you to stumble. Just as a cyclist needs to constantly scan for road hazards, so you and I need to be constantly on the lookout for little sins, little temptations, seemingly minor things that Satan might use to send us to the ground.
May God help us to always spot the flash of brown, before it can hinder our walk with God.

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